Lukas Jungreithmeir – Executive Director Flexprint Ltd; CEO Delfort Printing Division
Recommеndation letter:
Managing well people in an organization may be the most challenging, yet as well the most deserving responsibility for owners, managers or superiors. And then – as superior – to watch people grow in their personality and skills within these organizations is a great reward!
But how to best achieve this? You need to identify the right person(s) to help you to find, hire, train, support and grow your people and talents! And person(s) who openly tell the superiors where to improve and do better!!
How to identify such skilled person(s)?
From employer’s point of view you need – first of all – a truly professional, highly service-oriented and efficient, skilled HR partner who thoroughly understands the character of your organization, the vision and mission and its spirit. Much more, this partner needs not only to understand the organization’s strengths, but even more its weaknesses. This partner must be capable to identify, structure and propose various short, mid and long-term organizational development steps. To complete the total picture to fully align with the owner and management, such expert partner needs to have a very deep understanding of the development of local, regional and (in our case) even the international labor markets, upcoming influences on labor law, educational trends, job motivations for young talents etc, etc…In short: an enormous business field that such entrusted partner is coping with!
And for the employee?
Imagine, you are searching for a job: it may be your first application, it may be as you apply for a new job to enter a new career path, to grow in your career ladder, to take more responsibilities, to work abroad etc. What do you search and look for: an HR expert that is not only trustworthy and very competent, this expert is guiding you as to your needs, demands and capabilities in a very transparent way, highly skilled in communication, especially in feedbacks, and as an adviser, a consultant, a moderator, mentors, above all definitely a very good listener. If you decide for a job application, you entrust your career and working life into other peoples’ advices and hands: you ultimately search for experts who a willing to understand you and how and where you will develop most!
In our case, SP Audit is all this and much more: listeners, experts, moderators, mentors, strategists, developers, a great team, inspiring, long-term thinking, true partners, entrepreneurial, local, regional and international, reliable, responsible, and: SP Audit’s team is entrusted partner and mentor for our people and this great team is always available for them.