Finding the perfect candidate for a vacant position is one of the most important things for any business to grow. Improper selection of employees has a negative effect on the organization, namely lost of time and finances. A poor performance by a new employee can reduce the motivation and effectiveness of the entire team.
Here are some ways to test new hires:
- Make it clear what your expectations are for the employee
In this way, you will quickly see the employees who are not motivated enough to work, while at the same time you will avoid ambiguity about what the new hire should actually be able to do. That way, if the employee isn’t doing well, you’ll be able to reason why you need to let him go.
- Let the new hire get down to the “real work” right from the start
This does not mean throwing the employee “into the deep” and watching him from the sidelines, but assigning him a task that you watch him perform. Let the entry into the work become smooth, not with side activities, but with the real duties that he will have to perform on a daily basis.
- Assign the new employee to solve problems that require thinking and creativity.
Give the new employee a challenge. Of course, it is normal that he needs guidance and help, but this should not stop him if he has the necessary skills and motivation to work. In this way, you will know how much you can rely on him when difficulties arise in the future.
- Assign the new hire a small project
It’s a good idea to let him work on it from start to finish. This will show you what his qualities are – whether he is independent, creative and easily finds solutions, whether he has attention to detail, what is his pace of work, etc.
- Organize regular meetings to communicate his entry into the work and adaptation to the new team
This is extremely important in order to build good communication with the new employee and for him to trust you. Also these meetings will show you if he is having difficulties and in which area he needs help. These meetings do not need to be daily. 15-20 minutes a week is quite enough to keep up with what’s going on.